Health Tips - Long Working hours One Cause Heart Disease

The cause of a heart disease consists of many factors, one of them for long hours. Long working hours (long shift) may increase the risk of heart disease, Long shifts or long hours of work are the hours worked beyond normal limits of working hours, which is normal for 8 hours. The cause of long shifts or long hours of work are selected for their targets to be achieved. Thus the conclusion of a study performed recently.

The researchers analyzed data on 1,900 workers through long-term studies. As a result, 43 percent of people who work long shifts diagnosed with cardiovascular problems, such as heart failure, heart attacks, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

Mentioned, the risk of heart disease increases 16 percent higher in people who work 55 hours a week, and increased to 35 percent in people who work for 60 hours a week. Risk increased as much as one percent if work long shifts lasted 10 years or more.

In the latest study, researchers sought a more accurate method. Where they monitor the number of hours workers. Based on the study, the cause of heart disease in employee overtime hours is too long.
Psychologically it causes a person to easily stressed. Stress getting triggered habits that increase the levels of stress hormone cortisol. Habits such as poor diet and lack of physical activity due to the limited time to spare

One of the dangerous and often experienced disease caused by long working hours are the Coronary Heart. The disease was included in the five diseases that cause the highest mortality. Based on data from basic medical research (Riskesdas) 2007 Ministry of Health of Indonesia, mentioned an average of more than 220 thousand people die each year from heart disease in Indonesia. Linda explains, heart attacks occur due to narrowing of the coronary arteries due to the buildup of plaque or lipids such as cholesterol in the vessel wall. "This narrowing will impede blood flow to the heart. So the heart does not get enough oxygen to work normally ", he explained. If the condition persists, it can cause death of heart muscle (myocardial myocardinal) otherwise known as a heart attack.

Symptoms of heart disease usually begins with chest pain. But not all pain is an indication of a heart attack. "Pain like a squeezed or pressed heavy objects. This pain can not be appointed, but spread throughout the chest "he said. A heart attack can be followed by systemic symptoms often wrong perception. "Sometimes people who like pain in the gut, consider suffered sakita ulcer. But after treatment does not heal. It also needs to be watched. Chest tightness are often considered colds were also signs of heart disease. Many people who often complain of colds or have the term "wind sit" for pain and tightness in the chest. Linda warned if someone frequently experience such complaints as well as the risk factors of heart, then you should immediately conduct investigation. Fast heart rate and irregular, especially accompanied by a sense of weakness, dizziness, or shortness of breath, it could also be a sign of heart attack. For you "LONG SHIFT WORKERS" if you have the above symptoms, immediately consult your doctor and stop the long hours you work. Get to work in accordance with the normal hours of work that has been determined and recommended experts


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