The first assessment of men about women
a dream girl :D The first assessment of the man about a woman must have a physical. Any glimpsed the man and anything that can make a man tempted. Love at first sight is not lip service. According to the survey, a person makes a physical assessment of the others in the first 10 seconds. Four minutes later, people will make judgments about other things. This is it part of a woman that will make women tempted, based on the sequence. 1. Athletic body Men like women who are athletic because in their view these ladies definitely capable of being a good mother. With a body that is fit, the woman would be able to live his days as a mom and doing various household tasks. Athletic woman also believed to be able to protect themselves from harm. 2. Solid Breast Contains For the men, the most beautiful woman's breast is in the age range early 20s. Their favorite is denser breasts are exactly in men's magazines or advertisements underwear. If you do not have denser breasts do not fret jus...