
Showing posts from March 13, 2016

The first assessment of men about women

a dream girl :D The first assessment of the man about a woman must have a physical. Any glimpsed the man and anything that can make a man tempted. Love at first sight is not lip service. According to the survey, a person makes a physical assessment of the others in the first 10 seconds. Four minutes later, people will make judgments about other things. This is it part of a woman that will make women tempted, based on the sequence. 1. Athletic body Men like women who are athletic because in their view these ladies definitely capable of being a good mother. With a body that is fit, the woman would be able to live his days as a mom and doing various household tasks. Athletic woman also believed to be able to protect themselves from harm. 2. Solid Breast Contains For the men, the most beautiful woman's breast is in the age range early 20s. Their favorite is denser breasts are exactly in men's magazines or advertisements underwear. If you do not have denser breasts do not fret jus...

Know More About Liver and Its Role

The Liver Liver is the largest solid organ and the largest gland in the human body. The liver is located just below the diaphragm on the right side of the body and has a number of important roles. It is classed as part of the digestive system, the liver's role includes detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of chemicals needed for digestion. This article will explain some important points about the liver, including primary role, how the liver regenerates, what happens when the liver is not functioning properly, and how to keep it healthy. Some interesting facts about the Liver • Be classified as a gland. • The liver performs more than 500 roles in the human body. • The only organ that can regenerate. • It is the largest solid organ in the body. • Carbohydrates are broken down and stored as glycogen in the liver. • One important task is to remove toxins from the body. • Alcohol is one of the main causes of disruption of liver function. • Yellow fever and malaria affects...

Some Cause Puffy Eyes

Some Cause Puffy Eyes -  Puffy eyes can be caused by edema or excess fluid in the connective tissue around the eye. There are several factors that can cause it, such as infection, trauma, injuries around the eyes, to cry in a long time. puffy eyes Some Causes Eye Swelling Conditions are also commonly called periorbital often occur on the eyelids. Other common causes are allergies, where allergy is sometimes accompanied by symptoms of red eyes or itchy. In addition, there are many causes of puffy eyes , which are: 1. dermatochalasis Swollen eyelids may be associated with age. This is particularly so when the skin of the upper eyelid decreased (dermatochalasis) and not tight anymore. Decrease the upper eyelid skin can interfere with vision. The edges of the eyelids is also possible to decline, and a condition called ptosis. Ptosis can also be connected with a person's age, and this condition does not happen straight away. Although rare, can ptosis caused by myasthenia gravis or brain...

a total solar eclipse attention of the world

A number of celestial events will occur in the world throughout 2016. Supermoon, meteor showers, and especially is the total solar eclipse will be observed in the region of Indonesia on March 9, 2016. At that time, in the morning in most parts of the archipelago will turn dark as night full moon. Although only a matter of minutes. Head of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) Thomas Abubakar said the eclipse will cross 11 provinces in Indonesia: Bengkulu, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, and North Maluku. "Total solar eclipse in the eastern part of Indonesia will take about 3 minutes 09:00 local time. Over in the west will take approximately 2 minutes at 07.30 am," Thomas said as quoted by Antara. Not only the public awaited the country, the phenomenon of a total solar eclipse is also the focus of the international community. overview of the process...

Husbands Never Get yelled Wife (English version)

"Please be honest. Who is the husband here who have never scolded his wife ? "I asked the male participants in a training Wonderful Family. Trainees are married couples over the age of marriage in ten years. A man raises his hand firmly. Only one person, a man of about sixty participants who followed the training. Of course I feel surprise, since more than ten years of marriage and she has never been scolded by his wife . To that end, as appreciation, I asked the man to come forward with his wife forum. "Right you've never yelled at his wife during marriage age are you?" I asked the husband. "Yes sir Cah. Thank God my wife was very kind. I never saw him get angry, "he replied firmly. "Is that right? Can you tell me how the tips of more than ten years of marriage and you never got angry with her husband , "ask my wife. "It is not true that Mr. Cah. This means that as long as she never knew if I was mad. She never knew my anger, "re...

Attention!! Exterminate Poison Accumulates In Your Guts with Papaya Seed

papaya fruit Not many know that papaya seeds that we usually throw away, turned out to have a myriad of benefits. One of them, to get rid of toxins that accumulate in our gut and liver. Research shows that toxins can accumulate up weighing eight kilograms in our intestines. Papaya seed extract even able to protect the kidneys of toxins that trigger the problem of kidney failure. Papaya seeds are also able to kill the parasite within nested in digestion. Doctors Revelation Triasmara, the Club Diet with dr. Revelation Triasmara - DRW, explains, bijipepaya also contains substances antikolesterol great. Consuming papaya seeds also useful as an antioxidant in the blood. It's been tested in research on juice papaya seeds, can significantly lower cholesterol and LDL (low density lipoprotein), and to increase HDL levels. The papaya seed extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones saponi, and anthocyanosides. Given the content of the extract, papaya seeds and this has ...

It is forbidden to be asked during a job interview

The job interview is eagerly awaited by the applicant. Many things can affect the success of this process, from the attitude and body language, appearance, to the way you deliver opinions. But keep in mind what you say and do during the interview can influence you to be accepted or rejected. Here are some talking points that you need to avoid when doing a job interview. " I leave my current job because my boss was terrible " Even if it is true you used to be a very nasty boss, hold the left; to not speak ill of the boss, the company, even your coworkers before. The interviewer may have previously worked for the same company or partnering with your boss first. "In addition, the negative attitude will not lead to a positive image for you to the hiring of labor. Even if you've ever worked with a boss of the worst in the world though, said this in an interview very beautiful," said Julie Lacouture, CEO and owner of Mom Corps Los Angeles, a company that helps recrui...

Before Kiss Baby Note It Is Not To Spread Disease (English Version)

The habit of kissing babies is a risk of spreading infectious diseases, but if done carelessly. Experts say it's okay to kiss a baby , it's just that there are some things that must be considered. Dr. Meta Hanindita, SpA of Hospital Dr Soetomo said some diseases it can be transmitted through kissing. Call it infectious mononucleosis, herpes, flu coughs up Singapore. The solution, Dr. Meta dijenguk recommends that babies not be kissed on the mouth, it's better on the cheek or forehead. "Certainly do not kiss on the mouth, yes, because a greater risk of contracting an infection," he told detikHealth, Monday (09/28/2015). If indeed the smelt family or close relatives, as long as he is healthy there is nothing to worry about. However, if the kiss was a stranger, the mother was definitely misgivings. When taking a walk together baby, sometimes there are people who deliberately approached to kiss the baby . This happens because they like your baby and thought it was fu...

10 strange events that are not revealed

There are many strange and mysterious events that can not be explained by common sense. It is scientifically difficult to disentangle, perhaps only through supranatura. This article is not intended to discuss things occult, but these events did happen and until now unable to explain causality. Even the FBI has intervened even 'surrendered' and entered in the 'X Files'. Here are 10 strange and mysterious events from various corners of the world: 1.House Ghost The Amityville You ever watch a horror movie Amityville House? Did film adaptation of the horror novel written by George and Kathy Lutz, so scary when it aired on the big screen. But do you know if in fact all the events that horror is a true story. George and Kathy wrote the novel based on actual events that later made into a movie. People believe that the true author is the person who experienced the event. The story of the haunted house was revealed in 1975 when the couple moved to a house in Amityville, New York...

10 Kejadian aneh yang tak terungkap hingga saat ini

Ada banyak kejadian aneh dan misterius yang tak dapat dijelaskan dengan akal sehat. Secara ilmiah sulit diurai, mungkin hanya lewat supranatura. Artikel ini bukan dimaksud membahas hal-hal klenik, tapi kejadian-kejadian ini sungguh terjadi dan sampai sekarang tak mampu dijelaskan sebab musababnya. Bahkan FBI yang telah turun tangan pun ‘menyerah’ dan masuk dalam ‘X Files’. Berikut 10 kejadian aneh dan misterius dari berbagai pelosok dunia: 1.Rumah Hantu The Amityville Anda pernah nonton film horror Amityville House? Tahukah Film yang diangkat dari novel horror karangan George dan Kathy Lutz, begitu menyeramkan ketika ditayangkan di layar lebar. Tapi tahukah anda kalau sebenarnya semua kejadian horror itu adalah kisah nyata. George dan Kathy menulisnya dalam novel berdasarkan kejadian sebenarnya yang kemudian diangkat ke layar lebar. Orang percaya bahwa penulis sebenarnya adalah orang yang mengalami kejadian tersebut. Kisah rumah berhantu itu terungkap tahun 1975 ketika pasangan suami...