Health Ledger - Treatment of tuberculosis in children
TB in children is not a contagious disease because the bacteria only multiply in the lungs gland so it does not open. It was certainly very different from TB in adults that can be transmitted through the air and body contact with patients. Children with poor nutrition or have weak immune systems are particularly vulnerable to contracting TB germs . For early prevention efforts so that children are not infected with TB germs, it is suggested to parents to give BCG vaccine in children, especially after the birth. TB in children can be dangerous if not controlled properly, because the bacteria that enter the respiratory tract can spread throughout the body such as the lining of the brain, liver, kidney, bone. However, during the child's immune system is in good condition, the TB germs will remain silent and only react when children decreased durability. Current treatment of tuberculosis in children starts from the diagnosis of tuberculosis in children. But in fact very diffic...