Health Tips - The cause often wet armpits
Drinking water is very important for the health of the body, and skin beauty. Because of this, health experts advise us to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to keep the organs functioning properly.
That water is healthy, on the other hand, water can also be a hazard if consumed in excess. Therefore, more and drink plenty of water does not mean the body will be healthier or more beautiful skin. Instead, fluid intake is not required by the body can lead to kidney problems and makes excessive sweating.
Excessive sweating condition commonly referred to as hyperhidrosis. From observations made health experts on a number of patients at a clinic in London, most patients with complaints of excessive sweating did have a habit of drinking too much fluid than necessary.
Mark Whiteley, professor and neurosurgeon at The Whiteley Clinic, in, explained that the recommendation to drink two or three liters of water a day, medically it is not true.
Mark adds, fluid requirements will typically increase when a person is undergoing intensive treatment in hospital. But it was limited to just 1.5 liters and is given within 24 hours. Because, if the doctors give up to two liters of fluid then potentially heart failure.
Fluid was actually not absolutely only come from beverages. About half of the water needs from the food you eat every day. Vegetables and fruits also contain water, not to mention if you are eating a meal or drinking juice sauce. When the fluid needs are met then no need to add more to drink a dozen glasses of water.
"If you drink too much water the kidneys work harder to remove excess fluid that," he explained.
Excess fluid will be released by the body through urine and sweat. This means that the more you drink, the sweat that comes out even more. Therefore, do not be surprised if you go faster armpits wet.
In addition, too much drinking may also cause health problems rare, hyponatraemia. Hyponatraemia is a condition in which the salt content in the body decreases dramatically, causing swelling of the brain.
So, how much should we drink in a day? Mark suggest that you drink water when thirsty or after a meal. Drink water gradually and in regular periods. For example a glass in the morning, one or two glasses again during the day, a glass in the afternoon and evening.
If you exercise or do strenuous physical activity, the intake of water can be added as needed; when you feel thirsty. Keep also so that the urine is always clear yellowish color. May be useful.
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